Music is what feelings sound like

Shira Bitan began her musical studies in the Ankor Children’s choir, conducted by Dafna Ben Yohanan, and graduated the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance Highschool in the class of Cilla Grossmeyer and Zvi Zemel. Graduate of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, where she studied in their class of Penina Schwartz, Zvi Semel, Anat Efraty and Ido Ariel. In addition she studied orchestral conducting in the class of Evgeny Tsirlin. During her studies at the academy, Shira participated in a variety of operatic productions among them “The Magic Flute” (Mozart) Conducted by Ido Ariel and directed by Motty Awerbuch, “The Fairy Queen” (Purcell) conducted and managed by David Shemer and directed by Iris Goren and the opera “Hansel and Gretel” (Humperdinck ) under the conducting of Omer Arieli and the directing of Julia Pevzner. Shira participated in many master classes and workshops led by artists such as Peter Harvey, Ann Monoyios, Rita Dams, Janet Favaro-Reuter, Mark Schnaible, Jasmin Solfagari and many more. Shira continued her musical studies in Leipzig, Germany in the class of Elvira Dressen and now is studying with the opera singer Yasmin Levi-Ellentuck. Shira performs a diverse repertoire from early baroque to twenty-first century. Recently she sang in Frankfurt am Main the role of Anne Frank in mono-opera “The Diary of Anne Frank” (Frid) and the role of Flora in “The turn of the Screw” (Britten) in Tel-Aviv Opera Summer Festival. Last May 2018 she sang as a soloist on a tour of the SKO Orchestra in Brandenburg. In addition, Shira is singing in numerous ensembles and works to promote awareness of modern pieces written by young composers from Israel and abroad.


some cool facts about Shira

Numbers speak for themselves

Years in Germany
Years of acting
Years play on drumms

Shira is singing in numerous ensembles and works to promote awareness of modern pieces written by young composers from Israel and abroad.